Programme Erasmus +


Erasmus +, le programme de l'Union européenne pour l'éducation, la formation, la jeunesse et le sport, vise, entre autres, à renforcer les compétences et l'employabilité des jeunes grâce à la mobilité internationale.

Code OID de l’Institut Pasteur : E10209496

Enseignement - Programmes pré-doctoraux - Erasmus

Semmelweis University Project

Semmelweis University aims to give students the possibility to learn about other countries’ higher education...

Enseignement - Programmes pré-doctoraux - Erasmus

University of Coimbra Medical School PT

This program allows students from the University of Coimbra to spend up to 6 months in a laboratory...

Enseignement - Programmes pré-doctoraux - Erasmus

University of Glasgow 

Suite au Brexit ce programme est suspendue.

Enseignement - Programmes pré-doctoraux - Erasmus

Unipharma-Graduates Projects IT

The Erasmus+ Unipharma-Graduates Projects provides 70 scholarships for internships in Chemistry, Pharmaceutics and Biotechnology in European research centres.


Enseignement - Programmes pré-doctoraux - Erasmus

University of Szeged

The mission and purpose of the University of Szeged is to cultivate science and internationally competitive research work and to advance its research university nature.

Drapeau espagnol

University of Alicante

The Erasmus + Internships Programme gives the students at any study cycle and recent graduates of the University of Alicante the opportunity of ...



Erasmus+ 2022

The Erasmus programme (European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) boosts the skills and employability of young people through international mobility and cooperation opportunities in higher education and training.

Flyer to download Erasmus+ 2022


Equipe Erasmus +

Photo de l'équipe ERASMUS - 2020 Institut Pasteur

Sylvie Malot et Elisabetta Bianchi



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