Erasmus + Program

Erasmus +, the European Union program for Education, Training, Youth and Sport, aims to, among other things, boost the skills and employability of young people through international mobility.

Institut Pasteur OID code : E10209496


The Institut Pasteur welcomes Erasmus+ students for traineeship and provides them an outstanding research and teaching environment!

Who can apply?

Students in life sciences, in medical studies and in other related disciplines from European universities through their respective Erasmus+ Office.


There is no specific deadline to apply for an Erasmus+ internship at the Institut Pasteur. However, every year in autumn the Education Department organizes a call for research projects from the Institut Pasteur laboratories.


The duration of the Erasmus+ internship is defined between the student and the project supervisor. Typically, it spans from 4 to 12 months.

What are available projects?

The Institut Pasteur provides the list of available projects to the European university Erasmus+ Offices with which it is in contact. This list is also available by request by writing to

Special requirements?

The Erasmus+ student must be registered at European universities for the duration of the internship.

How to apply for a project?

The Erasmus+ student must get in contact by email with the hosting laboratory to submit their application (CV and motivation letter) and to agree on the length of the internship, putting in copy.

Are there additional fundings from the Institut Pasteur?

The hosting laboratory will provide a minimum reward of around 600€/month to the Erasmus+ student. This reward is slightly increased every year and covers from 70 to 90% of housing expenses in Paris.

Is there a support for housing by the Institut Pasteur?

The Institut Pasteur prioritizes Erasmus+ students for housing at the CIUP. For more information about housing support, please visit the dedicated page on our website.





The Institut Pasteur welcomes students from all European universities eligible for the Erasmus+ programme. The Institut Pasteur participates in Erasmus+ mobility projects exclusively as a host institution. Other mobility partnerships with universities are currently being finalised.


Spain - Alicante​

The program offers students from the University of Alicante the opportunity to complete an internship at the Institut Pasteur.

Drapeau du Portugal

Portugal - Coimbra​

This program allows students from the University of Coimbra to spend up to 6 months in a laboratory at Institut Pasteur.

drapeau italien

Italian universities

The Institut Pasteur has established several partnerships with universities in Italy as part of the Erasmus+ mobility programs.


Hungary – Szeged​

Following the decision of the European authorities, the Erasmus+ programme is suspended in Hungary.


Hungary - Semmelweis​

Following the decision of the European authorities, the Erasmus+ programme is suspended in Hungary. The funding of university mobility in Hungary is replaced by the programme Pannónia.

Enseignement - Programmes pré-doctoraux - Erasmus

Scotland - Glasgow

Following Brexit and the decision of the European authorities, the Erasmus+ programme is suspended in the United Kingdom. Funding for university mobility in the United Kingdom is replaced by the programme Turing Scheme.




Photo de l'équipe ERASMUS - 2020 Institut Pasteur

Sylvie Malot and Elisabetta Bianchi

To apply, you can choose the host laboratory on the Institut Pasteur research website or request the list of host projects by writing to Then to apply, send your CV and cover letter directly to the host laboratory, copying


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