Call for Nominations 2019 is closed.
The awards will honour two scientits, whose outstanding research in the life sciences is contributing to progress in global public health, specifically in the following fields:
There will be three categories of awards:
One International Award : € 150 000
Two International Junior Awards : € 50 000 each
Awards Ceremony:
December 12th, in Paris
A distinguished international jury will choose the Awardees
Prof. Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Dr. Yasmine Belkaïd, Prof. Pascale Cossart, Prof. C. Dulac, Prof. Alain Fischer, Prof. Jörg H. Hacker, Prof. Jules A. Hoffmann, Prof. Antonio Lanzavecchia, Dr Gary J. Nabel, Prof. Nussenzweig, Prof. Anne O’Garra, Prof. Staffan Normak, Prof. Jeffrey V. Ravetch and Prof. Philippe Sansonetti.
Contact: 2019awards@pasteur.fr