Résidences étudiantes, hotelières et foyers


Il est important de noter que l'Institut Pasteur ne dispose pas de lien financier avec ces établissements, que les liens ci-dessous sont seulement des suggestions pour vous aider à trouver un hébergement et que les choix proposés sont parfaitment ouverts.

Houses Center 

Foyer Saint Jean Eudes - 1 Rue Jean Dolent 75014 Paris

Duration: Short Stay (1 day authorized)

Residents: Girls / Boys

Transportation: line 6 métro Glacière, travel time: 7min

Price: Single Bed room: 54 € - Double Bed room: 68 €

Contact: +33 (0)1 44 08 70 00 - contact@fsje.fr


Foyer Pierre Olivaint - 5 bis, avenue Sainte Eugénie 75015 Paris

Duration: At least 1 month

Residents: Girls 18-25 years old

Transportation: line 12 métro Convention, travel time: 4min

Contact: 01 53 68 11 11 - fpo@foyer-olivaint.com


Service Social Breton - 28 rue du Cotentin 75015 Paris

Duration: At least 1 month

Residents: Girls (18-28 years old)

Transportation: 5 min by walk from Institut Pasteur

Price: (breakfast included) 590 € / 17 m2 / month; Registration fees : 95 €; security deposit: 523 €

Contact: +33 (0)1 56 80 15 15 - info@service-social-breton.org


Centre International de séjour Kellermann - 17 Boulevard Kellermann, 75013 Paris

Duration: Short Stay accepted (less than a month)

Residents: Girls / Boys

Transportation: line 7 Métro Porte d’Italie, travel time: 19min

Price (breakfast included): Twin rooms 74.20 € / night.

Standard  room with bathroom 86 € / night

Contact: +33 (0)1 43 58 96 00 - www.cisp.fr

Foyer Jérôme Lejeune - 4 Rue Tessier, 75015 Paris

Duration: Short Stay accepted (less than a month)

Residents: Girls (Boys accepted during summer into a group

of girls)

Transportation: 5 min by walk form Institut Pasteur

Price Single room (-20 m2): 620 € / month

Price Furnished studio: 729 € / month

Contact: +33 (0)1 47 34 79 40 - m.dispaquale@agefo.fr



Foyer Le Pont - 86 rue de Gergovie, 75014 Paris

Duration: Short Stay accepted (less than a month)

Transportation: 19 min by walk form Institut Pasteur

Price Single room: 58 € / night Breakfast 8€

Price Twin room: 75 € / night

Contact: +33 (0)1 45 42 51 21 - info@foyerlepont.fr


Fondation Paumier Verne - 63 rue Pernety, 75014 Paris

Transportation: 17 min by walk form Institut Pasteur

Price Single room: 610 € / month

Price Double room: 430 € / month

Contact: residence@paumier-vernes.org ou candidature@paumier-vernes.org



Residences for students and trainees

Residence - Paris Sablonnière - 7 rue Meilhac 75015 Paris

Duration: 1 month minimum

Residents: Girls/ Boys

Transportation: Ligne 6 Métro Cambronne, travel time: 3min

Price: Single room and Furnished studio: from 358 € to 425 € / month

Contact: +33 (0)1 43 06 43 18 - contact.dat@adef.asso.fr



 Résidences Estudines

Offre City Pack:

This option ensures an accommodation for the course leaders,

speakers for a short stay

Duration: At least 1 month

Residents: Girls/ Boys

Transportation: Depending on the chosen residence

Price: From 680 € charges included


Reservation center: +33 (0)9 69 39 22 00


Résidence Simone Veil - 162-168 avenue Paul Vaillant Couturier 75014 Paris

Transportation: RER B « Cité Universitaire » or « Gentilly ».

Two types of housing:

For master students:(priority for scholarship holder): from 455 € / month (19-23 m²)

For PhD students and post-doctoral researchers (under 30): 586-806 € (24-46 m²)

Contact: etudiants-instruction75@espacil.com - https://www.espacil-habitat.fr/devenir-locataire/


Résidence Irène Joliot Curie - 2-10 rue Madeleine Brès 75013 Paris

The residence is well connected by public transport, with the Poterne des Peupliers tramway

station (T3) leading directly to the Porte de Versailles and to Pasteur in 30 minutes.

Accommodation for researchers: apartments from T1 bis to T2, from 20 to 40 m².

Student accommodation: apartments from T1 to T1 bis, from 20 to 33 m².

For master students:(priority for scholarship holder): from 460 € / month (19-27 m2)

For PhD students and post-doctoral researchers (under 30): 515-516 € (22-38 m2)



Jumo Paris: a co-living experience located in the heart of the 15th arrondissement of
Paris, Homes spread over floors, Composed of studios, private apartments (T2) and
common areas
From €1,077/€ month for studio, 20m2 ,
Admin fees from 470 €
42 rue cambronne 75015 Paris
A place to live,work or take advantages of spaces and events
from €1,100 /month for studio, 21m2, 1 or 2 persons
15 rue Guynemer 992130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
A place to live,work or take advantages of spaces and events
from 1,065 € /month for studio, 21m2, 1 or 2 persons
15 avenue de Raspail 994250 Gentilly

Others Housing Platforms

This platform lists all types of student accommodation from private individuals in the city. You can access offers by logging in via your account at www.messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr
Contact: https:/www.lokavi.fr/
This platform mainly offers rooms in private homes.
Lists student residences and allows you to reserve one or more accommodations through the free online application form.
The multilingual team will help you to prepare your reservation.
Platform offering shared apartments in the city center
Entrance fee (500€ + First month'rent calculated on a prorata basis.
Security deposit (500€ €)
French national EURAXES portal
EURAXESS centres offer personalized and free services to researchers and their families. You will also find the contact details of all the services centres available in France, as well as information related to the entry and residence conditions on the French territory, accommodation and all you need to prepare a successful stay in the hexagon.
Housing Guide for International Researchers

A platform that offers private-to-private rentals and puts landlords and tenants in touch with each other.
PAP Particulier à Particulier
A platform that offers private-to-private rentals and puts landlords and tenants in touch with each other.

Useful links

List of EURAXESS centres in France:  
National Agency for Housing Information (ANIL):

Ministry of Urban Planning:
Public Service Site - Housing:


Comparative website of energy suppliers (electricity and gas):  
http://www.energie-info.fr/ or https://calculettes.energie-info.fr/pratique/liste-des-fournisseurs




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