1. Document de presse | 2023.03.29

    World Autism Awareness Day: Institut Pasteur working actively with clinicians and the autism community

    As we mark World Autism Awareness Day on Sunday April 2, 2023, this year the Institut Pasteur is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the discovery of the first genes associated with autism. In 2003, this discovery offered a new perspective on the neurodevelopmental disorder; today, it highlights what still needs to be done to help those affected by autism. Scientists in international consortia...

  2. Portrait | 2023.04.14

    Sarah Bonnet, tickologist and educator

    Sarah Bonnet is a "tickologist" – she specializes in the study of ticks. More broadly, she is a veterinarian entomologist and medical, a professor and scientist with a passion for field work. Her research is focused on the little-known field of ticks and their many species. She is an enthusiastic educator who loves sharing her expertise and plans for future research. The upheavals we are...

  3. News | 2023.06.06

    Tiger mosquito: two viruses newly transmitted from birds to humans

    Scientists from the Institut Pasteur have demonstrated that the tiger mosquito, already a vector of diseases such as dengue and chikungunya, has become capable of transmitting the West Nile and Usutu viruses. This emergence may be surprising, but steps can already be taken to tackle it.

  4. News | 2023.06.21

    Malaria: parasite migration strategy revealed

    Malaria is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes that are vectors of parasites in the genus Plasmodium. Scientists from the Institut Pasteur, in collaboration with specialized physicists in Brazil and Germany, have elucidated the search strategy used by parasites to reach the bloodstream.

  5. News | 2023.07.10

    Enteric viruses with similar genomes in humans and great apes

    A study conducted in Cameroon looked at enteric viruses in humans and some great ape species. These viruses share the same genomes. This "sharing" is thought to be a result of hunting, meat consumption and pillaging by great apes. The findings confirm the scale of pathogen transmission between humans and animals, which can represent a threat to human and animal health.

  6. News | 2023.07.19

    Pasteur Museum: collection review before major refurbishment work

    In 2023, the Institut Pasteur began work to restore and renovate its historical listed building. Behind closed doors, members of the museum team and heritage professionals are working to preserve the site and the objects that bear witness to the Institut Pasteur's history. The first stage in the restoration process was a major collection review, which took place from November 2, 2022 to May 31,...

  7. News | 2023.08.17

    ECOMORE 2: understanding environmental impact on the emergence of infectious diseases in Southeast Asia.

    Due to population growth and economic development, our planet is experiencing significant changes in natural ecosystems that may lead to the re-emergence of infectious diseases. For 5 years, ECOMORE 2 project, coordinated by Institut Pasteur in partnership with the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge, the Institut Pasteur du Laos, the National Health Laboratory (NHL) of Myanmar, the Research Institute...

  8. News | 2023.09.05

    HIV-AIDS: broadly neutralizing antibodies, stars of the lab

    Highly promising, broadly neutralizing antibodies can react with the vast majority of HIV particles to cause their destruction by the body. However, the latter would have to be able to produce equally effective antibodies...

  9. Document de presse | 2023.10.19

    Genes fuelling antibiotic resistance in Yemen cholera outbreak uncovered

    An international collaborative research effort involving scientists from the Wellcome Sanger Institute, the University of Toronto, the Institut Pasteur and Sana'a University has revealed the source of antibiotic resistance that emerged in bacteria driving the cholera outbreak that is currently affecting Yemen. The results of their research, published on September 28, 2023 in the journal Nature...

  10. News | 2023.11.14

    Discovery of peritumoral stromal cells that regulate antitumor immunity

    A team from the Institut Pasteur has discovered a new population of cells that develops around a tumor mass. This discovery opens up a new avenue of treatment for solid tumors. This offers hope for improving the treatment of cancers for which immunotherapies are often ineffective, such as pancreatic, breast and prostate cancer.


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