When you arrive

We have introduced dedicated procedures for welcoming newcomers to the Institut Pasteur and helping them to settle in. As a new staff member, you will be invited to a Welcome Day shortly after you arrive, and you can also sign up for other welcome modules.


Welcome Days

These morning welcome sessions are a chance for you to find out more about the Institut Pasteur's history and strategy, the people you need to contact and the key services available, so that you can start to find your bearings. The sessions include presentations, opportunities for discussion and a campus tour to help you find your way around the buildings.

Tools and resources to help you settle in

Local HR contacts are available should you need any help. They also advise unit heads and assistants to make sure everything is ready for your arrival and early days on campus. Several booklets have been produced and a dedicated space has been set up on our intranet to help you find your way around during your first few days at the Institut Pasteur. Plus, a newsletter is sent out at regular intervals over your first few months to provide you with useful information.

Welcome modules

As an extension to your Welcome Day, you will also be invited to attend additional welcome modules. These include a one-hour guided tour of the Pasteur Museum. The museum team provides a fascinating insight (in French or English) into the history of Louis Pasteur and his discoveries – a great way for you to find out more about the beginnings of the Institut Pasteur and take inspiration from the innovative work of its founder!

The "Intercultural Seminar" module sheds light on the intercultural differences that represent both a challenge and a tremendous asset for the Institut Pasteur.


What you need to prepare before your arrival

We are glad that you will soon be joining Institut Pasteur! In order to prepare your arrival, you will find in the following pages some information regarding the administrative procedures. 





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