1. News | 2018.10.18

    Liver cancer: the Peruvian exception

    Scientists and physicians are attempting to elucidate the mechanisms of an atypical form of liver cancer in Peru that is mainly affecting young people. Their research has revealed previously unknown risk factors.Why are young Peruvians developing liver cancer? The highly unusual forms of the disease are attracting the attention of scientists and healthcare workers. Their goal is to prevent,...

  2. Document de presse | 2019.12.12

    Gastric cancer susceptibility marker discovered

    Gastric cancer, the third most common cause of cancer-related deaths, is often associated with a poor prognosis because it tends to be diagnosed at an advanced stage and is therefore difficult to treat. To reduce the death rate, it is essential to identify a biomarker enabling early diagnosis of this cancer. In pursuit of this goal, scientists from the Institut Pasteur, CNRS, and University of...

  3. News | 2016.10.18

    Efficacy of cancer treatment: two bacteria in the microbiota identified

    Scientists from the Institut Pasteur, in collaboration with the Institut Gustave-Roussy, have identified two bacterial species naturally present in the body, Enterococcus hirae and Barnesiella intestinihominis, which enhance the effect of cyclophosphamide, a common chemotherapy treatment. The scientists had already proven the role of the microbiota in the efficacy of chemotherapy. This time, they...

  4. Document de presse | 2013.08.25

    Neutrophils: the Unsung Heroes of Immunotherapy Cancer Treatment

    Scientists at the Institut Pasteur and Inserm have identified the group of cells within the immune system that make immunotherapy treatment (therapeutic antibodies) effective. Immunotherapy is frequently used to treat breast cancer. In animal models they showed that neutrophils, the most common white blood cells in the body, are not only necessary but suffice on their own to eliminate tumor cells...

  5. News | 2021.10.18

    Cancer: the role of substrate rigidity in tumor migration

    Among the characteristics defining our constituent organs are their different rigidities. Changes in these physical properties occur during tumor development. Tumors use the rigidity of their surrounding environment to facilitate their migration to neighboring tissue, which in turn facilitates tumor invasion and metastasis. Scientists at the Institut Pasteur have identified a new element enabling...

  6. Document de presse | 2019.11.12

    Gut microbiota imbalance promotes the onset of colorectal cancer

    The gastroenterology team at Henri-Mondor AP-HP Hospital and University Paris-Est Créteil, led by Professor Iradj Sobhani, together with teams from Inserm and the Institut Pasteur Molecular Microbial Pathogenesis Unit (U1202), led by Professor Philippe Sansonetti – holder of the Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Chair at the Collège de France –, have demonstrated that an imbalance in the gut...

  7. News | 2020.06.10

    Small intestine regulates immune surveillance of colorectal cancer during chemotherapy treatment

    An international study has demonstrated that the microbiota and the intestinal cell death triggered by chemotherapy stimulate the efficacy of the immune response in patients with colorectal cancer. The results of the study, conducted in France by scientists from Gustave Roussy, Inserm, Université Paris-Saclay, the Institut Pasteur, IHU Méditerranée Infection and INRAE, were published in the...

  8. Document de presse | 2017.11.21

    Gastric cancer: a new strategy used by Helicobacter pylori to target mitochondria

    Scientists from the Institut Pasteur and the CNRS have recently identified new strategies used by Helicobacter pylori bacteria to infect cells. By specifically targeting mitochondria these bacteria, despite being extracellular, can optimize infection in the host. These findings pave the way for new strategies to combat H. pylori infection, which is associated with most cases of gastric cancer and...

  9. Document de presse | 2023.06.02

    Immunotherapy for blood cancer: remote destruction of tumor cells demonstrated

    The aim of immunotherapy strategies is to use cells in the patient's own immune system to destroy tumor cells. CAR T cell therapy is an immunotherapy that is effective in treating blood cancer. Around 35,000 people are affected by blood cancer each year in France, with 1.24 million cases worldwide. By closely investigating some of the immune cells generated during this therapy, known as CD4 T...

  10. Document de presse | 2022.01.11

    Identification of a novel therapeutic target in Multiple Myeloma

    Multiple myeloma is a cancer of the bone marrow, with a life expectancy of less than 5 years post-diagnosis. Proteasome inhibitors, the therapeutic backbone of current treatments, are very effective in treating newly diagnosed cancers but resistance or intolerance to these molecules inevitably develop, leading to relapses. While studying a neglected tropical disease[1], Buruli ulcer, researchers...


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