What does this diploma consist of?
The objective of this course is to enable students and professionals in the life and health sciences to acquire skills in the field of infectious diseases.
The Institut Pasteur Online Diploma in Infectious Diseases (DNM2IP) is created by the Institut Pasteur in the form of online courses (MOOCs). These courses provide access to:

To obtain the DNM2IP diploma, it is necessary to validate the final exam, for a fee, of 5 MOOCs among the MOOCs offered in the program. It is mandatory to validate at least 1 of the DNM2IP starred MOOCs.
Candidates for the diploma have a maximum of 2 years to validate the 5 MOOCs of their choice.
Alternatively, MOOCS learners can choose to take these courses for free without taking a final exam and therefore without committing to the degree (Discover all our online courses).
→ If you are a Phd at the Pasteur Institute, please click here
What is the DNM2IP diploma program?
Each MOOC is broadcasted over a period of about 2 months with a replay every 2 years.

DNM2IP Pedagogical Council:
- Dominique Franco Director of Institut Pasteur's MOOC program
- Monica Sala Director of Education, Institut Pasteur
- Olivier Schwartz Scientific Director, Institut Pasteur
- Arnaud Fontanet Professor, Institut Pasteur and Collège de France
- Sylvie van der Werf Professor, Institut Pasteur and University of Paris
- Jean-Marc Cavaillon Honorary Professor, Institut Pasteur
- Didier Mazel Professor, Institut Pasteur
What are the steps to obtain the DNM2IP Diploma?
To apply for the DNM2IP, it is recommended that the candidate have a scientific background equivalent to a Bachelor's degree in life sciences. However, no training is mandatory.
1. I register online on the dedicated platform :
- Registration is preferable before taking the DNM2IP MOOCs. I can, however, ask for the recognition of these MOOCs, for which I have already obtained a certificate.
- I choose 5 MOOCs. I will be able to modify 2 of the 5 MOOCs initially chosen.
- My registration is approved or not by the DNM2IP Pedagogical Council within 15 days.
2. I register for the final exam of each MOOC when it is released:
- I am alerted by e-mail when the MOOCs I have selected start to be broadcasted.
- I register to follow the MOOC on the FUN MOOC platform.
- I register for the qualifying course (150€/MOOC) to take the final exam.
3. I take the final exam online:
- Proctored by a specialized company.
- Accessible for two weeks at the end of the MOOC broadcast period. The dates of the exam are indicated on the FUN platform as soon as the MOOC opens for registration.
- The exam lasts 1 hour and consists of answering 30 MCQs covering the entire MOOC program.
- A rate of 60% of correct answers is required to validate the exam, i.e. 18 correct answers out of 30.
4. If I pass the final exam, I receive my certificate:
- Issued by the FUN platform within one month after the closing of the course.
5. I register my certificate and grade in my dashboard on the DNM2IP registration platform.
6. After obtaining 5 certificates, I obtain my diploma from the Institut Pasteur's Education Departement (diplomas are issued every year in July).
- The diploma is signed by the Director General and the Director of Education of Institut Pasteur.
- It can be downloaded from the DNM2IP platform candidate area.
Frequently asked questions - all about the DNM2IP
It is recommended to hold a bachelor's degree (3 academic years) in life sciences for most of our MOOCs. This pre-requisite ensures a sufficient level to pass the exam of each MOOC. However, it is possible to register for the DNM2IP without having this degree in life sciences, as the MOOCs are intended to be open to anyone wishing to train on these subjects. It is recommended that students without a Bachelor in life sciences, who wish to follow the qualifying path, verify that the scientific level of the MOOC is accessible, by answering the weekly quizzes, before paying the registration fee. MOOCs are mostly in English. They are all subtitled in French / English. In addition, a script in English and French is made available for each video. The provisional MOOC calendar is available on this page: www.pasteur.fr/fr/DNM2IP This calendar allows you to plan the time you will have to devote to the follow-up of the courses, and the timeline of the exams. The Institut Pasteur regularly produces new MOOCs which can be added to the list proposed under the DNM2IP. Likewise, a MOOC can be removed from this list temporarily or permanently, if it requires an update of the scientific content. Learners registered for this or these MOOCs are informed by email, and can choose another MOOC in the DNM2IP program. (+) What is the level of education or training required to register for the DNM2IP
(+) Which language is used in the MOOCs ?
(+) Where can I find the list of the MOOCs included in the DNM2IP and their release date?
(+) Can the list of MOOCs change?
Organisation of Certification exam
This exam takes place entirely online, via the FUN platform. To register, you must bring an identification document and have a webcam on your computer, as the exam is monitored remotely. The exam consists of 30 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), to be completed in 1 hour. To pass the exam, a minimum of 18 questions must be answered correctly, i.e. 60% correct answers. The exam dates are specified on the page “Info du Cours” and in the sections dedicated to the exam in the MOOC. You have the opportunity to take the exam during the last two weeks of the MOOC broadcast. Registration is possible up to few days BEFORE the end of the MOOC diffusion. It is strongly recommended not to wait until the last minute to register for and take the exam, in order to avoid any technical problems. Once the MOOC is completed, it is no longer possible to take the exam. The student has to choose between the French or English version of the exam. The exam takes place during approximately the last two weeks of the MOOC broadcasting. These dates are announced on the MOOC presentation page, or by email. In this case, it is no longer possible to retake the MOOC exam. However, it is possible to register for another MOOC to validate the DNM2IP. After two failures, it is no longer possible to validate the Diploma. After the successful completion of each MOOC, you can submit your results and your certificate on the DNM2IP Platform in your personal candidate area. Once the five certificates have been submitted, you will receive the digital diploma signed by the Institut Pasteur. The diploma will be available in your personal candidate area. (+) What does the certification exam for a MOOC consist of?
(+) Where can I find the exam dates?
(+) In which language is the exam?
(+) I am registered to qualifying path of a MOOC, but I do not yet have access to the exam.
(+) What happens if I fail an exam?
(+) I have taken and successfully passed the exam of the 5 MOOCs of my choice. How to get the DNM2IP?
DNM2IP Equivalence
No, not to this day. This is a digital diploma issued by the Institut Pasteur. The labeling of this diploma is under development. No, the requirements for obtaining the DNM2IP are the same for all candidates, that is to say, passing the online certifying exam of 5 MOOCs of your choice. No, a certificate is only granted to students who have successfully passed the certifying exam at the end of a MOOC. (+) Does the DNM2IP give access to an equivalence in terms of diploma?
(+) I attended a face-to-face course at the Institut Pasteur (Paris). Does this correspond to an equivalence of the MOOC?
(+) Is it possible to obtain an attending certificate for a MOOC without taking the exam?
Registration details
The DNM2IP consists of 5 MOOCs of your choice. Registration for the qualifying path for each MOOC is 150 euros and has to be done online on the FUN platform. Registration fees are paid at the time of registration for a MOOC or during its broadcast period. Registration fees are paid by credit card, online, on the FUN MOOC Platform. This payment is only possible during the MOOC broadcast period, and up to 1 day before the end of the MOOC. These dates are specified for each MOOC, on the FUN Platform. It is recommended not to wait until the last moment to make this payment, in order to avoid any technical problem. Once the deadline has passed, it is no longer possible to register for the exam. Please contact FUN MOOC via this online form: https://www.fun-mooc.help/hc/fr/requests/new Invoices are edited by the FUN Platform. You may complete a form on the FUN Plateform, and follow this guidance article : https://www.fun-mooc.help/hc/fr/articles/360000739898 No, to date, the DNM2IP is not eligible for the CPF. However, some companies fund online certification through their training plan. Two years from the date of DNM2IP registration. Yes, it is entirely possible to register for DNM2IP if you have already obtained a certificate from one of the MOOCs included in the DNM2IP. In this case, the registration date taken into account is the date when the first certificate was obtained. When you register for a MOOC, you are by default registered for the free discovery path. You can choose to register for the qualifying path at any time up to few days before the end of the MOOC broadcast by going to your dashboard and clicking on the green button "Register for a certificate". Click on your name at the top right of the screen, then "paramètres du compte", then choose the English language. The certificate is edited by FUN MOOC a few days after the end of the MOOC (around two weeks), and is made available on your dashboard.(+) What are the DNM2IP registration fees?
(+) How are the registration fees for each MOOC paid?
(+) When I try to make the payment online, it doesn’t work. Who should I contact?
(+) How can I obtain an invoice?
(+) Is the DNM2IP eligible for the Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF)?
(+) How much time do I have to validate the DNM2IP?
(+) I already have one or several certificates, can I still register for DNM2IP?
(+) I am registered for the discovery path of a MOOC. How do I register for the qualifying course?
(+) How to access the FUN platform in English version?
(+) How and when do I get the certificate of a MOOC?
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