1. News | 2019.06.04

    The Musée Pasteur featured in book of Parisian hidden gems

    Louis Pasteur, “France's most famous citizen-scientist,” has always piqued international interest and now the Musée Pasteur—which is built around the space where Pasteur lived and worked—has been included in “The Little(r) Museums of Paris,” an inventive new guidebook to be released on June 4 in the United States and on June 27 in France. The book invites Paris visitors to experience the...

  2. Fiche maladie | 2019.09.05

    Hearing loss

    Hearing loss is a decrease in auditory acuity. It is the most common sensory deficit in humans and can occur at any age, and at various levels of severity. Initially a genetic approach was used to identify the genes responsible for early-onset hearing loss in humans. Studies of these genes then revealed the molecular mechanisms involved in the formation, differentiation and functioning of the...

  3. News | 2019.09.27

    Rabies: a shorter, cheaper vaccination schedule following a suspected rabid dog bite

     A study by teams from the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge and the Institut Pasteur in Paris confirms the efficacy of the new post-exposure rabies vaccination schedule developed in the Institut Pasteur International Network and adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO). Since 2018, WHO has recommended post-exposure vaccination for rabies, immediately after a bite by a suspected rabid...

  4. News | 2019.10.25

    Exhibition in honor of Jules Bordet at the Université libre de Bruxelles

    On October 8, 2019, the Université libre de Bruxelles inaugurated an exhibition entitled "100th anniversary of a Nobel Prize – Jules Bordet". Developed in collaboration with the Institut Pasteur, this exhibition pays tribute to Institut Pasteur scientist Jules Bordet, who was awarded the 1919 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on immunity. The exhibition will run until December 21...

  5. CNR/CCOMS | 2019.11.07

    CIP Research

    Research is varied because of the diversity of resources maintained in collection. Thus, the CIP is developing a research activity on identification, taxonomy (description of novel species), conservation, antibiotic resistance and metabolomics. For more information, please consult our research site.

  6. News | 2019.11.08

    Gut microbiota: surprising interactions between pathogenic and commensal bacteria

    In achieving a state of equilibrium in the body, the billions of microbes that form assemblies known as microbiota at various sites including the gut, the skin and the oral cavity play an important role. The absence of microbiota results in increased exposure to some diseases. Scientists from the Bacteria-Cell Interactions Unit at the Institut Pasteur, in collaboration with INRA, Inserm...

  7. News | 2019.12.11

    Anticipating and reacting quickly to outbreaks: a consortium won the Galien MedStartUp award

    The Praesens Foundation, the Institut Pasteur, the Institut Pasteur de Dakar, University of Nebraska Medical Center and Twist Bioscience Corporation (NASDAQ: TWST)  announced that the consortium is the winner of  the Prix Galien MedStartUp award in the category: 'Best Collaboration Dedicated to the Developing or Underserved Populations Worldwide'. The consortium works together to...

  8. News | 2020.01.22

    SARS-CoV-2 : le rôle de l’Institut Pasteur dans la surveillance du virus 2019 n-CoV apparu en Chine (in French)

    Dans le cadre de sa mission de surveillance des virus respiratoires sur le territoire français, l’Institut Pasteur mobilise ses équipes, notamment via le centre national de référence (CNR) des virus des infections respiratoires. Son rôle est d’identifier et confirmer les suspicions d’infection respiratoires aiguës liées au nouveau coronavirus apparu à Wuhan, en Chine, en décembre 2019, et dont le...

  9. News | 2020.02.06

    Rabies: new prophylactic and therapeutic avenues

    Rabies is still responsible for approximately 60,000 human deaths per year mostly in Asia and Africa and affects especially underserved people. Yet, since the first vaccine developed by Louis Pasteur more than 130 years ago, prophylactic measures have significantly improved. They are now composed of the vaccine allied to purified human or equine rabies immunoglobulins. However, these...

  10. Article | 2020.03.16

    Coronavirus: all COVID-19 news from the Institut Pasteur

    On January 9, 2020, Chinese health authorities and the World Health Organization (WHO) officially announced the discovery of a novel coronavirus (first named 2019-nCoV, then officially SARS-CoV-2). This new virus is the pathogen responsible for the infectious respiratory disease called COVID-19 (CoronaVIrus Disease). Following the announcement of the first cases and the declaration of...


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