Risk of listeriosis associated with vegan cheeses

An analysis coordinated by the National Reference Center for Listeria, Santé publique France and the French General Directorate for Food, in collaboration with Belgian, German and Dutch experts, has concluded that a listeriosis outbreak that occurred in Europe was linked with the consumption of vegan, plant-based cheeses. It found that the proliferation rate of Listeria monocytogenes is actually higher in vegan milk than in raw animal milk.


Le risque de listériose associé aux fromages vegan

Une épidémie de listériose liée à la consommation de fromages vegan, ou végétalien, produits à base de végétaux, est survenue en Europe. C’est la conclusion d’une analyse coordonnée par le centre national de référence Listeria, Santé publique France et la direction générale de l’alimentation, en collaboration avec des experts belges, allemands et néerlandais. La prolifération de la bactérie Listeria monocytogenes serait même plus rapide dans le lait vegan que dans le lait cru d’origine animale...


The lowdown on meningitis, a public health challenge

On April 26, 2024, the World Health Organization held a high-level meeting at the Institut Pasteur to highlight the importance of tackling meningitis, a disease that comes in multiple, often severe forms, some of which can kill in the space of hours. It is crucial that we improve our knowledge of meningitis. What are the symptoms, and how can it be prevented? Vaccination is the solution, both to protect individuals and to tackle outbreaks at global level. In France, three forms of bacterial meningitis, which mainly affect children, are covered by vaccination.


Save the Date: Pasteur Innov’ Day 2nd edition

Fundamentally applied! From basic research to product: the potential of the Institut Pasteur's research and innovation continuum.


Save the Date : Pasteur Innov’day 2ème édition

Après une 1ère édition réussie en 2022, le Pasteur Innov’ Day sera de retour le 25 juin 2024, de 14h à 18h (suivi d’un cocktail) au Centre de Conférences de l’Institut Pasteur avec toujours l’ambition de faire découvrir aux industriels du secteur de la santé (des startups aux grands groupes, en passant par les PME/ETI) tout le potentiel d’innovation du continuum pasteurien.


National Reference Centres, sentinels guarding against pathogens

On December 31, 2022, Santé publique France renewed its trust in the Institut Pasteur for its National Reference Centers (CNRs). Nineteen laboratories are currently involved in the CNRs. Their role is to monitor and analyze circulating pathogens, advance research and protect public health.


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The gut microbiota: an incredibly rich ecosystem

We call it the "second brain," but what exactly is it? What do we know about it today, and what are the medical applications? Five scientists addressed these questions in the public conference "The gut microbiota: towards new health practices," held at the Institut Pasteur in connection with Brain Awareness Week.



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