Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Programs

 The Institut Pasteur with 144 research units is a higher-education hotspot for young scientists. Institut Pasteur research laboratories are affiliated to specific accredited Doctoral schools and Master degree programs of the Greater Paris metropolitan area universities. Supervision and training of doctoral students is at the heart of the research mission conducted by our experienced scientists. An average of 300 doctoral and 80 M1/M2 Masters’ students are present on the Institut Pasteur campus are an integral part of the community. The Graduate Office and the Tutoring team are in charge of providing an exciting and supporting environment for boosting their training in research and innovation.

Doctoral and post-doctoral programs

Pasteur-Paris University International doctoral program

The Institut Pasteur organizes a doctoral program in collaboration with the University of Paris, Sorbonne University, and the University Paris-Saclay for students holding a foreign master degree or the equivalent in science...

Médecine Sciences Doctoral Program

Les bouleversements scientifiques et les progrès technologiques récents transforment radicalement l’exercice de la médecine et de la recherche biomédicale.

Institut Pasteur International Network Doctoral Program 

Institut Pasteur International Network Post-Doctoral Program 

Each year the Institut Pasteur Department of International Affairs allocates funding to promote and aid completion of postdoctoral internships for both French and foreign scientists in institutes of the Institut Pasteur International Network located outside mainland France.



My PhD at the Institut Pasteur

The Institut Pasteur is an internationally renowned multidisciplinary research and training campus”, with a strong academic and social commitment to PhD students.

Become member of our PhD community !!!

Doctoral Office Institut Pasteur


Thesis and ceremony

Thèses et cérémonie 2014

Ceremony for newly graduated students

Since 2013, the Institut Pasteur organizes each year a ceremony for the students who have graduated during the year.




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