Creation of the startup SPIKIMM to develop monoclonal antibodies as an innovative treatment for Covid-19


The Institut Pasteur has recently signed an exclusive worldwide license agreement with the new biotech start-up SpikImm SAS, created by Truffle Capital, for the development of anti-SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) monoclonal antibodies for therapeutic and diagnostic use.

Monoclonal antibody therapy is one of the most innovative ways currently available to treat Covid-19 patients and prevent severe forms of the disease from developing. This immunotherapy offers several therapeutic advantages which have already been proven in clinical trials. Antibodies developed by SpikImm have been generated in the laboratory of Humoral Immunology at the Institut Pasteur through an innovative process enabling the screening and selection of human SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies. An international patent application has been filed by the Institut Pasteur.

Isabelle Buckle, Director of the Research Applications and Industrial Relations Department (DARRI) at the Institut Pasteur states:

"One of the Institut Pasteur’s missions is to develop its research applications to improve the health of all people. Since the first days of the epidemic, we have mobilized our efforts towards the fight against COVID-19. This project on monoclonal antibodies, which is the result of our Institute's fundamental research, is a clear example of the success of our innovation development model. At an early stage, we were able to identify a project with significant development potential and offer our support to swiftly transfer the technology to a leading manufacturing partner, Truffle Capital, which was prepared to take risks".

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