Professor Stewart Cole, President of the Institut Pasteur, and Professor Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, 2008 Nobel laureate in Medicine and honorary president of the Institut Pasteur International Network, presented the 2018 Dedonder-Clayton Award to Dr. Didier K. Ekouevi at the 4th annual Institut Pasteur International Network Symposium.
Didier K. Ekouevi, head of the Department of Public Health at the University of Lomé (Togo), is currently studying the epidemiology of human papillomavirus infection and sexually transmitted infections associated with this virus among men who have sex with men and sex workers in the country.
Ekouevi has conducted numerous studies on HIV in Africa, including research on preventing mother-to-child transmission. He is also the scientific coordinator of the first therapeutic trial on HIV-2 infection.

The Dedonder-Clayton Award is granted each year by a jury of representatives from the Institut Pasteur, the Institut Pasteur International Network and ANRS. The Dedonder-Clayton Award rewards outstanding scientific research based in Africa and Asia focused on advancing translational research and public health, specifically in the field of HIV/AIDS and related conditions. The award goes towards funding research conducted by the award winner's team.