1. News | 2018.07.02

    Daniel Iffla-Osiris, a great 19th-century philanthropist and the Institut Pasteur's most generous donor

    The square known as "Place Daniel Iffla-Osiris", at the junction of boulevard Haussmann and boulevard des Italiens in Paris, was officially opened on June 27, 2018. This inauguration is an ideal opportunity to look back on the story of Daniel Iffla-Osiris, one of the greatest philanthropists of the 19th century. At his death in 1907, he left behind the largest legacy ever received by the Institut...

  2. Portrait | 2018.10.04

    Anna-Bella Failloux, an all-terrain entomologist!

    Close to 70 different nationalities work alongside each other on the Institut Pasteur's Paris campus, and Anna-Bella has come all the way from Tahiti. She was born in Papeete, French Polynesia and lived there until the age of 18. This small paradise conjures up idyllic images but it is blighted by mosquitoes. Maybe that is why Anna-Bella became a medical entomologist specializing in mosquito...

  3. News | 2018.10.17

    Claude Flamand : predicting epidemics with satellite images

    Settled in Cayenne for 11 years, Claude Flamand heads the Epidemiology Unit at the Institut Pasteur de la Guyane. Since 2014, this epidemiologist and biostatistician works with the French National Centre for Space Studies to predict dengue epidemics in time and space thanks to satellite imaging."Car, helicopter, canoe, we used every possible means to reach people everywhere in French Guiana",...

  4. News | 2018.10.23

    The Institut Pasteur de Guinée opens its first laboratory in Conakry

    The first laboratory at the Institut Pasteur de Guinée was officially opened on October 22, 2018. Based at Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, the Pasteur Laboratory will mainly focus on training, diagnostics and research.With the support of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Expertise France agency, in connection with the LAB-NET program1 a 230m2 space generously...

  5. News | 2018.10.30

    Zika virus in the Pacific : the influence of the geographical context on an outbreak’s emergence

    Zika virus (ZIKV) is a flavivirus transmitted to humans by Aedes mosquitoes. ZIKV is divided into two phylogenetic lineages: African and Asian. In New Caledonia, the complex interactions between humans, mosquitoes and the virus led to a important outbreak in 2014.In 2013, the Zika virus emerged in French Polynesia and more than 1,500 cases were identified the following year in New Caledonia....

  6. Document de presse | 2018.12.21

    A novel antibiotic resistance mechanism

    Bacteria make use of a number of natural resistance strategies to overcome antibiotics. And it seems that this bacterial toolbox may be much more varied than previously thought. Scientists at the Institut Pasteur, in collaboration with Inserm, INRA, the CNRS and the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, have recently revealed an entirely unknown resistance mechanism in Listeria monocytogenes...

  7. Portrait | 2019.02.21

    Tracking down biomarkers with Eliette Touati

    After completing high school, Eliette chose to study science, and when she experienced the realities of life as a scientist she decided to pursue a career in research. Eliette began her academic career with a Master's (DEA) in the Biochemistry Department at CEA Saclay. She was keen to continue with the research project she had started and to go on to do a PhD. Although in a stroke of bad...

  8. Article | 2019.02.22

    PPU-Oxford Program

    "Chimie Biologique"Linking Chemistry and Microbiology to Fight Human Diseases

  9. Document de presse | 2019.03.19

    Discovery of a crucial immune reaction when solid food is introduced that prevents inflammatory disorders

    Microbes colonize all body surfaces and help to balance the immune system. In newborn infants, gut microbiota is first conditioned by breast milk components. When solid food is introduced, gut microbiota develops and bacteria proliferate. Scientists from the Institut Pasteur and Inserm have discovered that a key immune response is generated in mice when solid food is introduced and microbiota...

  10. News | 2019.04.01

    Immune cells fighting blood cancer visualized for the first time

    When cancer escapes the immune system, our defenses are rendered powerless and are unable to fight against the disease. Chimeric antigen receptor T cells (CAR T cells) represent a promising immunotherapy strategy, developed with the aim of tackling tumors head-on. But the occurrence of relapse in some patients remains a challenge. Scientists at the Institut Pasteur have identified the precise...


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