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Using an original mathematical and statistical analysis method, a team of scientists from the Institut Pasteur...
Press release
Patients with meningococcal infection generally develop symptoms including a high temperature, vomiting and a stiff...
Hépatite C : un nouveau test de diagnostic au chevet du patient
Press release
One of the major challenges identified by the WHO in efforts to eradicate the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the diagnosis...
Press release
A recent study, co-edited by Canadian researchers (CHU Sainte-Justine, the Université de Montréal) and French...
Méningoencéphalite cryptococcique - Institut Pasteur
Press release
  The Advancing Cryptococcal Meningitis Treatment for Africa (ACTA) trial funded by the Medical Research Council (UK)...
Zika : une estimation précise des risques neurologiques chez les enfants à naître
Press release
Thanks to a study conducted in pregnant women and their unborn children during the Zika epidemic in the French...
Stragen et l’Institut Pasteur annoncent le démarrage de l'essai clinique de phase I avec le  STR-324, un analgésique non opioïde
Press release
The Stragen group announced today the enrollment of the first subject to participate in a Phase I study of STR-324, a...
Les gènes jouent un rôle dans l'empathie
Press release
A new study led by scientists from the University of Cambridge, the Institut Pasteur, Paris Diderot University, the...
Des facteurs génétiques à l’origine de la sensibilité des Asiatiques et des Européens à la dengue sévère
Press release
As globalization and climate change spread tropical infectious diseases around the globe, not all populations have the...



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