4-year Research Group - Process



The G4 applicant should ideally be an early to mid-career post-doctoral scientist, wishing to establish a research group as an independent researcher. The proposed research project(s) should be innovative and timely yet realistic within the 4-year timeframe of the award. He/she should be able to conduct his/her research in an independent manner, initiate collaborations, and will have demonstrated his/her capacity to secure international funding. To apply, the candidate must have identified the host institute with the appropriate research environment conducive for his/her scientific ambitions and career development. At the same time, the proposed project(s) by the applicant must offer added value to the host institute, for example by introducing an innovative technology, and the potential of his/her research, to address gaps in strategic research domains and skill development. An enabling environment should motivate the G4 award holder to pursue his/her career in the host institute with the prospect of obtaining a permanent position at the end of the award tenure.

As the host institute is member of the Pasteur Network, it is expected that the G4 PI will express a willingness to participate in the development of this network by strengthening research through collaboration and training across the Pasteur Network.

As for any research group, the G4 award holder will be encouraged to develop and strengthen his/her capacity to manage a team and to welcome and supervise Masters and PhD students, as well as interns. A G4 PI can also hire postdoctoral researchers.

Finally, the involvement of the G4 PI in teaching activities will be highly appreciated.


The institute will host the G4 as an independent research group.

Host institutes need to identify G4 applicants who would be of real strategic benefit for the institution but also for the region. They must also ensure that the proposed project(s) will be innovative and in line with the wider context of the existing research portfolio and strategy of the host institute and the Network.

It is expected that the host institute will offer all the support to the G4 award holder to ensure that he/she can successfully the proposed resarch project(s). This could include access to adequate laboratory space, safety level laboratories, technical staff, technological platforms, scientific and general insitutional support

The host institute should support the G4 PI to develop into independent researchers and future scientific leaders in their field. Mentorship in groups management by the host intsitution should be provided.  It is expected that successful candidates will be offered a permanent position at the end of the G4.


Institut Pasteur will support the career development of the G4 PI through four (4) annual payments of up to €100,000, payable at the beginning of each financial year. This fellowship can finance salaries up to 50% of its total annual amount.

All scientific and ethical standards and requirements, in accordance with the statutes of each host institute and Institut Pasteur, need to be respected as stipulated in the agreement relating to the G4. This agreement would also define the starting date of the G4, which will be agreed with each successful applicant.


The Pasteur Network is in charge of the G4 selection process.

The eligibility of each application is validated by the Pasteur Network before sending to the members of the selection committee. For each application, two experts, members of this committee, will be designated for its review regarding the selection criteria described in the call and will send to G4 programme manager their review according to the dedicated form, one week before the panel meeting. The Pasteur Network can also, if necessary, ask for an external review. When deemed necessary, the Pasteur Network reserves the right to ask candidates for additional information in order to evaluate their application. All reviews will then be forwarded to the Committee Chair.

The committee will meet (either face to face or by videoconference) to share their opinion on each application and rank the successful candidates. All discussions during the panel meeting must remain confidential.


The Pasteur Network is responsible of the follow-up process of the G4. As part of the evaluation, each year, the G4 PI should provide a complete progress report regarding the scientific activities, incuding details on annual expenditures. A mid-term interview will be organised with panel members in charge of the follow up.

Each G4 PI will be paired with a suitable mentor, offering advice and guidance for all aspects relating to G4 management and career development. The mentor will be identified from a pool of experienced scientists who already have experience in leading a research group within the Pasteur Network. The G4 PI or the host institute direction can also suggest mentor to the DI.



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