On November 15 and 16, 2018, the Institut Pasteur has welcomed nearly 400 scientists from all over the world to share their knowledge on the resistance of microbes and vectors. Considering the threat that microbes and vectors resistance represent at the global scale, the Institut Pasteur has decided to focus the 4th edition of the Institut Pasteur International Network Symposium on these major issues.
The fourth edition of the Scientific Symposium of the Institut Pasteur International Network, entitled "Combating Resistance: microbes and vectors", was held on the Paris campus on November 15 and 16. The annual event, attended this year by nearly 400 participants including many scientists, clinicians and public health experts specializing in communicable and non-communicable diseases, explored all the aspects of the fundamental, clinical and operational research needed to:
- Showcase high-level research to identify, monitor or predict the emergence of resistant pathogens and vectors;
- Highlight the current efforts in translational science to develop new tools and technologies necessary to tackle the challenges of diagnostic and surveillance of these health threats;
- Examine innovative solutions to practically develop these tools on the field in resource-limited settings.

Ever since its first edition, the Scientific Symposium has always aimed to strengthen and boost international scientific cooperation within the International Network, particularly in the areas of infectious diseases and public health. Prestigious speakers and young scientists from across the world came to discuss the latest scientific advances that will have a major impact on public health in the coming years. This event is an ideal showcase for the diversity and wealth of expertise within the Institut Pasteur International Network.
As always, there were several highlights that deserve a particular mention.
- At this year's event, Stewart Cole and Françoise Barré-Sinoussi presented the 2018 Dedonder Clayton Award to Dr. Didier K. Ekouevi, head of the Department of Public Health at the University of Lomé (Togo). He was rewarded for his work on the epidemiology of human papillomavirus infection and sexually transmitted infections associated with this virus.
- The Symposium was also an opportunity to present the Robert Deschiens Prize to Dr. Moritoshi Iwagami from the Institut Pasteur du Laos. Professor Yves Buisson, President of the Exotic Pathologies Society, has honored Dr. Iwagami for his research on Plasmodium falciparum’s resistance to artemisinin in Laos and his commitment to training young Laotian researchers.
- Also, for the second edition of the 2018 "Pasteur Talent" Awards, the international jury honored Dr. Claude Flamand from the Institut Pasteur in French Guiana for setting up an epidemiology laboratory there and Dr. Ehsan Mostafavi of the Institut Pasteur in Iran for his central role in the study of emerging and reemerging diseases in Iran. Both work and develop collaborations within the network.
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