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Over the past 16 months and against the backdrop of the COVID-19 health crisis, thousands of drugs have been tested...
ue artistique d’un épithélium et de l’élimination des cellules
Press release
To enable tissue renewal, human tissues constantly eliminate millions of cells, without jeopardizing tissue integrity,...
Cellules bronchiques humaines infectées par SARS-CoV-2
Press release
The Delta variant was detected for the first time in India in October 2020 and has since spread throughout the world....
Press Info
A study conducted by the University Hospital of Strasbourg (HUS) in collaboration with the Institut Pasteur, published...
Press Info
Yerkes National Primate Research Center researchers in collaboration with Institut Pasteur have determined a...
Press Info
Inserm teams led by Laurent Reber (Infinity, Toulouse) and Pierre Bruhns (Humoral Immunity, Institut Pasteur, Paris)...
Press release
DNA is composed of nucleobases represented by the letters A, T, G and C. They form the basis of the genetic code and...
Christine Petit
Press Info
Since 1993 the Gruber Foundation honors and encourages educational excellence in the fields of Cosmology, Genetics,...
Press release
Loss of smell, or anosmia, is one of the earliest and most commonly reported symptoms of COVID-19. But the mechanisms...



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