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In-Cell-Art, l’Institut Pasteur et BioNet-Asia annoncent le développement en collaboration d’un candidat vaccin contre la dengue
Press release
In-Cell-Art (ICA), a biotechnology company specialized in nanocarrier technologies, BioNet-Asia (BNA), an innovative...
VIH : une piste de thérapie cellulaire issue de la recherche sur les patients « contrôleurs »
Press release
Rare patients infected by HIV spontaneously control viral replication without antiretroviral therapy, and do not go on...
Fièvre jaune : nouvelle méthode pour tester l’innocuité du vaccin
Press release
Development of a cellular test to verify the safety of live vaccines, such as the yellow fever vaccine, without the...
Le prix ALBERT-EINSTEIN 2018 est remis à Jean-Pierre Changeux
Press Document
Prof. Jean-Pierre Changeux, Emeritus Professor of Neuroscience at the Institut Pasteur and Collège de France, where he...
Le Professeur Christine Petit reçoit le Prix Kavli 2018
Press release
The Institut Pasteur, the Collège de France, the French Academy of Sciences and Inserm are honored to announce that the...
Press Document
Using an original mathematical and statistical analysis method, a team of scientists from the Institut Pasteur...
Press release
Patients with meningococcal infection generally develop symptoms including a high temperature, vomiting and a stiff...
Hépatite C : un nouveau test de diagnostic au chevet du patient
Press release
One of the major challenges identified by the WHO in efforts to eradicate the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the diagnosis...
Press release
A recent study, co-edited by Canadian researchers (CHU Sainte-Justine, the Université de Montréal) and French...



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