The Foundation IPSEN, an organization committed to promoting scientific knowledge among the general public, has become a new Institut Pasteur sponsor. It will support the production of around 15 new MOOCs and the creation of an online diploma in public health.
The Institut Pasteur is a leading producer of MOOCs (massive open online courses) in life sciences and health, with specific content aimed at specialists and professionals. The Fondation IPSEN, under the aegis of the Fondation de France, promotes access to scientific knowledge and recent progress in biomedicine and life sciences. The foundation has recently signed a sponsorship agreement with the Institut Pasteur to support the development of 15 new MOOCs as a means of transferring knowledge on the epidemiology of infectious diseases.
Since 2014, in connection with its teaching activities, the Institut Pasteur has offered advanced online courses that are free of charge and available to all those interested, anywhere in the world. These MOOCs provide quality teaching on scientific topics that address the major public health concerns facing the planet today (entomology, immunity, neuroscience, epidemiology, etc.). The online courses are geared towards scientists and students in life sciences, healthcare professionals and anyone interested in broadening their scientific knowledge.
The Institut Pasteur has decided to step up the development of its teaching programs by introducing an online diploma in public health that will be awarded to those who complete a set number of MOOCs.
Thirteen Institut Pasteur MOOCs are currently available via the FUN platform, most focusing on diseases with a major impact in low- and middle-income countries. "In the space of just four years, the Institut Pasteur has become a key player in online life sciences teaching in France. Through its MOOCs, it is able to reach a huge number of learners from a wide range of countries," explains Catherine Mongenet, Director of France Université Numérique (FUN).
The Institut Pasteur therefore plays a major role in sharing the latest scientific and medical knowledge and building an international network of scientists and doctors who are strongly committed to global public health issues.

It is a real challenge to provide high-quality scientific information to people in low- and middle-income countries. The Foundation IPSEN is delighted to join forces with the Institut Pasteur for this program, which aims to provide vital teaching on health issues for healthcare professionals in the poorest countries.
James LevinePresident of the Foundation IPSEN

The Foundation IPSEN is the first foundation that has come on board to support our MOOC program. It will be closely involved in setting up the diploma that we will be awarding to those who successfully complete these online training courses. The future of training is all about online learning, especially in life sciences, and the Institut Pasteur's MOOCs in this area have already developed a significant following.
Dominique FrancoEducation Advisor, Institut Pasteur Department of Education