Tuberculosis (TB) remains one of the ten leading causes of death worldwide and the biggest killer among infectious diseases, surpassing even AIDS and malaria. Although it is hoped that TB can be eliminated within the next couple of decades, the incidence is currently falling by only 1.5% per year. Each year there are about 10 million new cases of TB and a half a million of these are multi-drug resistant (MDR), which are more difficult to cure. The spread of highly virulent multi-drug resistant strains is a serious public health problem in several countries.
This course covers a broad range of topics on TB, from the basics of the disease to the latest discoveries, including the clinical picture, epidemiology, pediatric TB, increased susceptibility caused by HIV, diabetes and genetic factors, the host immune response, vaccines, diagnosis, the rapid detection of drug resistance, Whole Genome Sequencing and the treatment of both susceptible and multi-drug resistant TB, highlighting the new short course MDR-TB treatment regimen.
The course was designed to provide a broad survey of the current state of knowledge on tuberculosis for physicians, nurses, public health professionals, microbiologists, pharmacists, researchers and lifescience students.
This MOOC is part of the Online Diploma of infectious Diseases of the Institut Pasteur DNM2IP.
Registration :

Realized with the support of the Fondation Ipsen, under the aegis of Fondation de France.