Visit of S.E. Essa Al Haj Al Maidoor, Director-General of the Dubai Health Authority


On February 18th, the Institut Pasteur welcomed the Director-General’s delegation of the Dubai Health Authority (DHA), S.E. Essa Al Haj Al Maidoor. They were received by Pr Christian Brechot, President of the Institut Pasteur, by Dr. Marc Jouan, General Secretary of the Institut Pasteur International Network and the Head of the Molecular Genetics RNA Viruses Unit/CNR influenzae virus, Pr Sylvie van der Werf.
During the discussion the development of collaborations between the DHA, the Institut Pasteur and the Institut Pasteur International Network in the areas of research, microbial monitoring and training of researchers have been evocated.
The welcome finished by the visit of the Molecular Genetics Unit of Virus RNA Unit/CNR influenzae virus and of the Museum.

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