Population growth and economic activity are factors that largely influence ecosystem changes. These changes can in turn have consequences for human populations, particularly their health.
Between 2013 and 2016, the ECOMORE (ECOnomic Development, ECOsystem MOdifications, Emerging Infectious Diseases Risk Evaluation) project, financed by the French Agences Development (AFD) and implemented by the Institut Pasteur, helped to better understand and document the environmental impact of human economic activities and their possible link with the emergence of infectious diseases in Southeast Asia.

On Monday, March 17, 2017, the President of the Institut Pasteur, Pr. Christian Bréchot, and the Chief executive officer (CEO) of the AFD, Mr. Rémy Rioux signed the agreement concerning the second part of the ECOMORE project. It will study impacts of ecosystem changes on population health due to human activities (urbanization, intensification of agricultural techniques, land use, population movements) and climate change.
Financed by up to 4 million euros for 3 years, the ECOMORE2 project will be led by the Institut Pasteur in Cambodia (Phnom Penh), in Laos (Vientiane), the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Vietnam (Hanoi) and the National Health Laboratory (Yangon). It will also integrate the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine in Manila (Philippines).
Developed in conjunction with the health authorities of the 5 partner countries, ECOMORE2 project will answer specific and priority questions for each of them.
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