The Institut Pasteur’s real estate in Paris includes both modern and historical buildings. Some of these go back to Louis Pasteur’s time and some are listed as Historical Monuments. From time to time, the Institut Pasteur needs to carry out refurbishment or even demolition work to make way for new buildings. This ensures that premises meet operational standards and the regulatory requirements.
The area called Fourneau in the Duclaux building’s (no. 3 ringed in red on the map below) is currently undergoing refurbishment to bring it up to standard with current regulations. This work should be completed in September 2013.

Refurbishment underway at the Institut Pasteur (number 28 side)
There is currently no construction work underway.
The François Jacob Center for research on the integrative biology of emerging diseases was opened on November 14, 2012 in the presence of French President François Hollande.
> View the press kit for more information (PDF 2.3 Mo).
Three Algeco-type buildings, used to the construction of the François Jacob Center, were taken out. The last one will be take out in March 2013. The landscaping work is in the planning stages.
Technical facilities
Noise from equipment, located on the roof in particular, can cause disturbance to local residents. In 2004, the Institut Pasteur commissioned a noise impact assessment on property lines of the Institut Pasteur from Société Acouphen Environnement. Modeling was used to identify the main sources of noise and to issue recommendations. Since 2004 a series of noise decreasing actions has been implemented based on this report.
In 2009, a number of additional new surveys were undertaken by the Institut Pasteur. These resulted in a plan of additional actions to improve noise control by 2013. An investment of some EUR 4 million was required to implement the plan. The noise maps below show the noise situation on the campus in 2008 and the situation expected by 2013.
Institut Pasteur noise maps
(left : noise map in 2008, right : noise map expected in 2013)

Key : Noise intensity is shown by a gradual color code. The areas with the highest noise levels are shown in red and blue.
The Institut Pasteur ensures that deliveries are made at suitable times to minimize disturbance to local residents:
- For deliveries to the staff restaurant : no deliveries before 7.30am.
- For other deliveries : between 8am and 8pm.
- For trash collection : no collections before 7am.
The Institut Pasteur also requests engines to be turned off while unloading.
Updated on 13/02/2014