Within the Institut Pasteur's Scientific Division (DGAS), the Scientific Programming and Incentive Actions Department (SPAIS) coordinates, with its own funds, an entire ecosystem of incentive tools for Pasteur scientists. These incentives actions for scientific research and animation play a central role in supporting the scientific priorities of the Institut Pasteur's Strategic Plan.
Among these tools, the ACIP (Inter-Pasteurian Concerted Actions) and the PTR (Transversal Research Programs) are real boosters for collaborative research within Pasteur Network. Thus, since 2014, the SPAIS has supported and monitored – within the Pasteur Network – more than 140 research projects made up of 30% ACIP and 70% PTR. These innovative and unifying projects constitute a unique portfolio of projects of excellence. ACIP and PTR are selected through a rigorous evaluation conducted by a committee of international experts, based on an annual call for projects. The SPAIS offers other incentive tools to the Pasteurian community, particularly for young scientists to support their careers. Finally, the SPAIS intervenes to federate and promote large-scale institutional collaborations - with the Institut Curie, the ICM (Paris Brain Institute), or the Weizmann Institute... thus contributing to the Institut Pasteur's national and international scientific influence.

Sponsor: Institut Pasteur
- Develop new scientific collaborations between Pasteur Network, particularly in the field of public health.
- Explore innovative research hypotheses to obtain preliminary results and thus be able to evolve towards more substantial funding
- Promote young pasteurian scientists participation in these international research consortia
- Duration: 24 months
- Budget: maximum 50 000 euros
- Annual call
- Theoretical start of projects January 1st
For more information, please
- Encourage the development of multidisciplinary, innovative and ambitious transversal research projects
- Support projects in line with the Institut Pasteur’s strategic plan
- Create synergies to foster future collaborations with external organizations
- Strengthen cutting-edge technological approaches
- Promote the careers of young researchers
- Duration: 24 months
- Budget: maximum 250 000 euros (human resources costs included)
- Annual call
- Theoretical start of projects January 1st
- For more information, please