Framework Agreement between the Institut Pasteur and Fiocruz for the Development of Innovation and Technology Transfer


The Institut Pasteur and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) have a long-standing partnership, mirroring the strong ties between France and Brazil, which have maintained a privileged relationship in the fields of public health and biomedical research for over a century. With this framework agreement, the two institutions reinforce their bilateral relations while leveraging the complementarity of their respective expertise.

This framework agreement provides Institut Pasteur and Fiocruz with the opportunity to establish joint projects from 2024 onwards, focusing on public health applications derived from the research of both institutes. One key prospect of this partnership is the establishment of an immunotherapy platform by 2025. Immunotherapy is indeed a promising strategy to combat non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, cardiovascular pathologies, and diabetes, which account for 74% of all deaths worldwide.

As a historical member of the Pasteur Network, Fiocruz is a significant institution in science and technology in the field of health in Latin America, boasting a rich ecosystem of innovation and production, notably through its two operators, FarManguinhos and BioManguinhos.

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