The Young Researchers program, developed by the organization Arbre des Connaissances,* offers middle and high school students a unique introduction to research professions. Under the supervision of scientists, the students carry out a research project in the Institut Pasteur's laboratories over several months.
Each student pair, composed of one student in the final year of middle school and one in the penultimate year of high school, works on topical subjects. They learn about experimental procedures, discover how laboratories work and find out about research professions.
At the end of the year, the students present their results and conclusions at the annual "Young Researchers" conference, held at the Institut Pasteur and attended by the supervisors and the students' families.
This year, for the 15th year in a row, the Institut Pasteur hosted 17 young researchers, who worked on fascinating topics such as Zika virus replication, the collective behavior of mosquito larvae, and protein expression in animal cells.
The Young Researchers program is particularly beneficial for students. It helps them develop essential skills such as critical thinking, independence, confidence and self-esteem. They can talk about this rewarding experience in their oral exams at the end of middle school and high school. It is also well regarded when it comes to university applications.
The initiative is just as positive for supervisors – it gives them the opportunity to share their passion and their knowledge with younger generations, sparking an interest in scientific careers among school students. They can learn from the students' curiosity and see their work in a whole new light. For PhD students, supervising young researchers is also a way of validating credits with their doctoral school.
In short, the Young Researchers program helps instill an interest in science in young people by giving them a chance to engage in practical work, while showing research professionals first hand what an impact scientific outreach can have. As a center for education, the Institut Pasteur sees knowledge transfer as central to its mission. This initiative is therefore actively supported by the Department of Education.
"Young Researchers is a great program that gives young people the opportunity to find out more about science in a fun way outside the classroom." Yasmine, young researcher in the penultimate year at Camille See high school
"We enjoyed doing experiments, learning new things and exploring the campus and the laboratories. What we were less keen on was having to wait to get results!" Chloé, young researcher in the final year of Janson de Sailly middle school, and Baptiste, young researcher in the penultimate year of Camille See high school
"I discovered this program when I supervised two young researchers myself. I found the program to be very rewarding personally, as learning how to present science to the public is not an easy task. The program is also brilliant for young people – seeing them develop, grasp new concepts and put them into practice is very satisfying. Students who are struggling at school can be brought back on track with the Young Researchers program. It is a real pleasure for me to organize the program every year." Patricia Jeannin, program coordinator at the Institut Pasteur